Work Well Mats Anti-Fatigue Mat With Yellow Edges - For Drainage Of Water & Debris - Ulti-Mat Yellow Edge
5 products
A cost effective open top mat with yellow edge. An anti-slip mat designed to make the working environment safer. The...
Work Well Mats Anti-slip oil resistant nitrile mat - Ulti-Mat Greaseproof
5 products
A cost effective workshop anti-fatigue mat. Anti-slip oil resistant nitrile mat designed to make the working environment safer. The open...
Work Well Mats Anti-static (ESD) anti-fatigue mat - For Dry Standing Areas - Ergo-Anti-Static
7 products
Anti-static (ESD) anti-fatigue mat giving the ultimate in worker comfort. Heavy duty all rubber construction suitable for all dry standing...
Work Well Mats Black smooth finished rubber matting - economy grade - general purpose - Commercial Rubber
11 products
Black smooth finished rubber matting, economy grade, general purpose, commercial quality material for low duty applications and usage.
Work Well Mats Broughton Fitness - Heavy Duty Gym Mat
2 products
Heavy duty gym mat – loose lay rubber matting, used for free weight and training areas. This durable mat will...
Work Well Mats Carpet Anti-Fatigue Mat - With a Professional Appearance - Comfort-Carpet
3 products
An expectational 19mm carpet anti-fatigue mat with a professional appearance. This mat synergies ergonomic benefits and designer appearances giving the...
Work Well Mats Carpet Entrance Mat - Dirt-Buster
16 products
An expectational 19mm carpet anti-fatigue mat with a professional appearance. This mat synergies ergonomic benefits and designer appearances giving the...
Work Well Mats Catering Anti-Fatigue Mat & Anti-Slip Solution - Hygi-Mat
2 products
The ultimate catering anti-fatigue mat and anti-slip solution for kitchens and clean rooms. Superior design significantly reduces potential areas to...
Work Well Mats Diamond Plate Runner Matting - PVC - Diamond Tred
12 products
Diamond plate runner matting PVC 4.7mm thick matting is a durable industrial vinyl flooring with rugged deckplate pattern for non-directional...